Tuesday, November 3, 2009

News and Thoughts from Peru--November 2, 2009

This is short. My computer lost the first email I wrote and now there is little time. :(

They celebrate Halloween here. My companion, Hna. Flores, and I dressed up as.......missionaries. The kids dress up and go to the stores chanting, "Halloween." and the store owners give them candy. We decided to go proselyting and give out pass-along cards. Those weren´t as popular as candy. Maybe if we had a chocolate cupcake to give them too....did any of the Christensens catch that reference?

Problems with the lengua. I called Pedro, "perro" (that means dog. A good way to make a good first impression, no?) and complimented the pensionista on her jabon sandwich (soap sandwich, instead of ham sandwich). I´ve got to work on that. :)

Ironic. We were teaching Eyleen about the Word of Wisdom, and how important it is to take care of bodies so they are healthy and strong. Right in the midde of it, her mom comes and serves us homemade doughnuts and unpasteurized milk (I shouldn´t consume either for safety and health reasons but ate both. Don´t want to be offensive). I laughed inwardly at the irony of it all and then read later in the scriptures about how Jesus Christ chastised hypocrites.

We had a Family Home Evening where we watched "Finding Faith in Christ." I´ve seen that before, but this time I felt different. Even though it´s easy to dismiss things we don´t understand (physics is an example for me) or can´t see, it´s difficult to dismiss the feelings we feel; assurances of peace and love, or the tender mercies (milagritos, or little miracles) that we experience every day but may not recognize. For this reason, I think that gratitude is the most important attribute I can develop, as it leads to humility, faith, and love. Let´s count our blessings!

Hna. Christensen