Monday, October 26, 2009

My First Week as a "Real Missionary"!

I have had quite a few humbling moments this week, my first week as a real missionary.

I never thought I was very tall, until I came to Peru. Even in my flattest shoes, I am a whole head taller than my cute companion, Hna. Flores, who is from Bolivia. I was in the shower and my head kept on hitting the spigot. This ordinarily would not be a problem, except I got an electric shock every time I did. It took me 3 electric shocks before I realized what was going on! I think I must have burned quite a few brain cells from the shocks.

I understand pretty much of what's going on with the language, and was pretty confident in my language abilities....until I was talking with a member at church. He told me that his girlfriend had talked with me and said that I did not speak very well! He then offered to help with my Spanish. I was grateful someone said something, because it's too easy to get complacent and lazy and not actively work to improve my language skillz. Yes, the z in skillz was intentional.

I have discovered that Post its, not diamonds, are a missionary's best friend. It's amazing how people's eyes light up when I pull out a Post it. I give them one to write down questions they have as they read the Book of Mormon, or to leave little thank you notes. It is pretty cute to see.

I love the weather. It is about 60 to 65 degrees, but my poor companion is used to hotter weather. She says that the cold penetrates her bones. I am walking around without a jacket and am just terrified of what summer will bring. This weather is perfect.

The members of the church here rock. They are so supportive. We felt awkward (I was trying to teach my companion important English words, including awkward, but there are no real equivalents) because the Relief Society president passed around the calendar for meal sign ups (to feed the missionaries) and then announced (of her own initiative) a huge list of things that we could not eat, because it would make us fat, things like soda pop and mayonnaise! Now, all of the members ask us what we WOULD like to eat. I don't know how to say, I'm not picky, so I just try to explain that I can't eat raw vegetables, lettuce, or strawberries, or unpasteurized milk, because my body is not used to it.

Until next week!
Love, Hna. Christensen