Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Belated Mother's Day!

Hello family and friends,

I am grateful I was able to talk with some of you yesterday for Mother’s Day, and was sorry I couldn’t hear much of what was said because of all the noise, so I will record what I wanted to tell you. Thanks for praying so that way I could hear! Every block in Peru had their music blasting to celebrate Mother’s Day, so it was difficult to hear.

Yesterday was such a good Sunday. I was so happy and impressed with the ward yesterday. The Relief Society teacher taught a lesson on prophets that wasn’t based upon her personal opinions but on real doctrine! The youth gave the talks in sacrament meeting on chastity, modesty in dress and language (“I`m not telling you this because I want you to feel bad. I am telling you this because we can be better”), and on the Sabbath Day. It was impressive to have the youth teach everyone these lessons.

My favorite part of the sacrament meeting was when the Bishop had all the men come to the front and sing the intermediate hymn, “Oh ye that have the Priesthood” (not your traditional Mother’s Day tribute, but impressive, nonetheless). The best part was that EVERY MAN, including our investigators, came up to the front and participated in the hymn. The priesthood members were able to share the hymnals and show them how to read the music, and fellowship them. It was “buenisimo” as Hna. Duarte called it.

It was so great to see the deacons fellowshipping our recent convert, Mauro. He is going to receive the priesthood this week. And, our ward mission leader is so on top of things and is helping the young men get their papers ready to serve their missions, fellowshipping the investigators, visiting the families that need help, etc. We are so grateful for him. The other members are really getting involved with the work. We just need their help to find more people to teach (there are tons of people that are willing to listen to the lessons, but they don’t want to keep their commitments and can’t progress).

Happy Mother’s Day (belated)!

Love, Hermana Christensen