Monday, May 17, 2010

Good, Sad, and Funny News from the Jungle

So, we just found out what the new transfers are, and I stay here in the jungle! I am sad because I love my companion Hna. Duarte (Guatemala). She is so cool and we have learned so much together during this time, but change is part of the mission and she is moving to Lima. Even though I stay in the same area, it is different because we are teaching different people and I will have a new companion, Hna. Reyes.

I have a testimony of updating the Area Book and the records every day, because if not, wow! It means staying up really late to get it all done. We are trying to help our Peruvian friends read the Book of Mormon and find out how it relates to them and blesses their life.

We have started teaching Jacqueline. For some time her husband had seen the missionaries and had called out to them to come and visit him and his family, but they simply smiled and passed on their way (they probably thought he was just kidding, or more interested in the messengers than in the message). However, we contacted her and she attended church on Sunday. She has accepted a tentative baptismal date for June 5. She and her family are ready to receive the gospel.

I love Marta Luz, a former Catholic and present Evangelical, who listened to us as we taught her and tried to understand what we believed, rather than just combat or Bible bash with us. She even attended church on Sunday (the Relief Society lesson was on the Scriptural Canon. The expression on her face to see that we accept not just the Bible and the Book of Mormon as the word of God was indescribable).

We were walking and I saw these 4 cute puppies playing. I reached out to pet them and startled them. They started crying with fear and the neighbors and Hna. Duarte turned to see what I had done. I felt slightly embarrassed (I have an embarrassing moment at least every day). Later, we knocked on the door to see if Marlene was home. This little boy answered the door, took one look at me, and immediately fled inside the house. We just laugh at these things.

Love, Hermana Christensen