Monday, January 4, 2010

Teaching and Learning

We are teaching a golden investigator named Antonio. He is in his seventies and his girlfriend is a member of the church. He is a gem! We ask him if he’s done his homework (his reading assignment in the Book of Mormon) and he shows us the parts that he likes and has highlighted. He has practically highlighted the whole thing. He is the perfect student and is eager to learn on his own.

As a missionary, I understand and appreciate even more my teachers and my piano teacher. Sometimes I would come unprepared for my lesson (I didn`t practice during the week). My piano teacher, Mrs. Corwin, told me, “There’s nothing I can do for you if you don’t practice on your own. You won’t improve if you don’t practice during the week.” This is how I feel as a missionary. We can visit our investigators, but if they don’t do their homework, (pray, meditate, and study) they will never be converted by the Spirit. Same with members and missionaries alike. We can go to church every week and trainings, but if we don’t do our homework on a daily basis, we will never improve! Discipleship is a daily endeavor.

Hermana Flores and I are improving our teaching by using more pictures and by keeping the lessons shorter. We are also asking ourselves after each lesson, what went well and how can we improve? I am becoming addicted to planning. I am convinced it is one of the greatest things in the world. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. (Thanks, Dad, for teaching me that lesson).

Happy New Year!

Hermana Christensen