Wednesday, October 14, 2009

More from the MTC--October 13, 2009

Funny Story: My companion, Hna. Hernandez, has a sensitive nose and can smell odors a mile away. She asked me, "What smells so bad?" And then she went around the room with a big bottle of air freshener, spraying everything in the room, including me! I immediately added to my big "to do list" (so she could see) the following items:

1. Forgive Hna. H for her disparaging attitude towards me
2. Pray for Hna. H to have more patience with me

We have so many good times together. She cracks me up, but keeps me in line. Love her.

Highlights: I saw Laura Christensen (from the Lawrence ward) 30 minutes before she was going to hop on a plane and go to Armenia. My comp and I were able to help her clean up her room a little and say goodbye to her before she left. What a tender mercy from God! We just happened to be vaccuuming on the 3rd floor that day (we live on the 4th).

Spiritual Thought: I did Spanish outbound calls at the MTC and talked with a man from Puerto Rico, Adalberto. I ended up talking with him about 47 minutes and shared with him about how faith is a choice. You have to choose to have faith. I told him about my process I've gone through (I think we are all going through this for the rest of our lives) about learning to develop faith. I encouraged him to pray every day, even if it's a prayer like, "I don't know if anyone's out there, but if there is, please let me know." I told him he can know God loves him by looking back at his life and seeing the times he has had mini-miracles in his life. Those don't just happen by accident.

Song: I like to write songs when I have spare moments. Those interested in more contemporary music will appreciate these lyrics I adapted (to the tune of Beyonce's "To the Left"):

"Choose the Right"

Choose the right, choose the right
When you have a choice trust your inner light,
We all know that life can be so hard,
So seek some guidance from the living God..


The Lord must know 'bout me,
I know He must know me.
When I have a problem He will always bear it,
My heavy load with Him I'll share it.

"Read the Book" (Same tune as the last one, referring to the Book of Mormon)

Read the book, read the book (repeat)
We want to invite you to take a look.
It sounds so crazy, but it is for real,
We invite you to read it,
Then ask God as you kneel....


You must find out if it's true,
We are not bluffing you.
It will surely change your life if you do it,
Open your heart and let the Spirit through it.

I love you all! Choose the right!