Monday, June 21, 2010

Forgiving Others

Hello family and friends!

Every day is different on the mission and every day we meet some interesting people and have interesting experiences.
Yesterday at church we gave our talks. I found it ironically appropriate to talk on the need for forgiveness on Father’s Day (Peru doesn’t really celebrate it. They explained to me that few peopIe here have fathers or want to honor their fathers. So sad, and I am even more grateful for the example of my dad and other dads who love their wives and their families). I spoke on the importance of forgiving within the family, the church, and forgiving oneself. Briefly:

1. Every person is in their own process of developing and learning and makes mistakes as part of the process (like a baby learning to walk). Rather than criticizing or begrudging someone, we need to look for their strengths and help them when they are down.

2. In marriage, be the first one to apologize. At church, welcome and love people. Don’t let anyone keep you from renewing your baptismal covenants, even if they really did say offensive things. Usually we offend without realizing it. It is not usually our intention.

3. Forgiving a spouse does not mean tolerating the cycle of abuse. Someone that really loves you will change. Abuse is not tolerable. (I was sad that I had to emphasize that point, but we meet so many women that are in bad situations, with a partner that is no good. I reread Jacob 2 and am sad that this chapter has so much meaning for so many people here).

4. Pray for the ability to forgive, it is a spiritual gift. Pray that God will take away the anger and hurt and replace it with love. God heals the broken heart.

5. We all need to forgive because we all need to be forgiven. When we receive the mercy from Christ and His atonement, it is easier for us to forgive others for their mistakes.

As always, we invited several specific families to church, and Hna. Reyes and I especially wrote these talks for them. As often happens, the people that really need to hear the message didn’t attend. I realized the importance of Visiting and Home teaching, to deliver the message to people that miss the message at church. We are going to share the message with them in their homes.
I am grateful for the gospel, that teaches the importance of respecting and honoring fathers, mothers, and children. It is the path of happiness in this life.

Hermana Christensen