Monday, March 15, 2010

Little Things that Make a Missionary Happy

The following is a translated conversation with our Zone Leader, Elder Ruiz, trying to convince him to let us sister missionaries get together on a P-day to do facials (typically not a missionary-approved activity).

Hna. C- Elder, our appearance is the first message we send as missionaries, and we need to look our best.
Hna. Pretell- Look at my hair, look at my bugbites, I need help!
Hna. C- Think of all the new investigators we will have.
Hna. Pretell- This is not because we want to, Elder. It is pure obligation.

We will find out soon if it is approved or not. :) Let's see if our arguments were convincing or not...

The little things that make a missionary happy:

1. When a member accompanies us and bears his testimony in a lesson.
2. When the members make our investigators at church feel welcome.
3. When the members visit our investigators and invite them to activities.
4. When investigators have a thirst and real desire to know the truth and are anxious to read the Book of Mormon.
5. When investigators ask sincere questions and recognize the importance of the gospel in their life, and when they recognize the Spirit.

All of these things happened this week. We found good families that want to follow Christ and want to learn his restored gospel. They are so special. There is the Arimuya family—the mom is Zaida and her kids are Angelica Maria, Mauro, Percy, Jerry, and Kenny. There is the Guerra Vela family—Mario (28), Karina (20) and Kevin (18). We went to bring them to church and Kevin was ironing his T-shirt to wear, the best that he had. Mario was not able to come, but sought us out after the meetings to apologize for breaking his commitment to attend (he had something come up). Kevin had read the Restoration pamphlet and had questions about Martin Luther. I was grateful for my interest in the Reformation and for my class on American Christianity. I am continually surprised at how my random interests and knowledge are useful at times here in Peru (for example, before the mission I became interested in Bollywood, thanks to my Indian friends. Here, to my surprise, Bollywood is VERY popular. We pass by the houses and see the teenagers dancing along to the videos. Huh? Who’d a thought? The world is flat).

That's all for this week! Signing off...

Hna. Christensen