Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lots of Teaching and Learning (sent 26 April 2010)


Just a reminder that those who want to send any missionary (especially sister missionaries who are in Peru) a quick email can do so through www.DearElder.com. I think you just put the name of the missionary (Susan Christensen) and the name of the mission (Peru Lima North) and they send it to the mission office and print it off. Then, I get to read your letters!

Mini-Dialogue (Teaching Neida the law of chastity)

Hna. C- Do you know what the word “castidad” or chastity means?

Neida- I think it comes from the word “castigo”, or punishment.

Hna. C- (thinking quickly) Some people might consider it to be a punishment, but I like to think of it as a synonym of the word “caridad” or charity. If you live this law of sexual purity before marriage and complete fidelity after marriage, you will have more charity and love within your family and in your life!

Neida- But it's almost impossible to find people who still practice and live that standard.

Hna. Duarte- But, what do you really believe is the correct thing to do?

Neida- (pause)Wait to have relations after marriage.

Neida recognized that no amount of rationalizing, no matter that the society or culture accepts a lower moral standard, God's law of sexual purity is the correct way to live. Yesterday was our stake conference and a member of the Area Seventy gave a powerful discourse on dressing modestly and the law of chastity, especially complete fidelity (mentally and spiritually and not just physically) after marriage. I couldn’t help but murmur loudly ‘amen!’ much to the embarrassment of Hna.Duarte. It was all I could do not to cheer from the audience. Oh my, how much the stake here needs to hear and apply this counsel! Not just them, but everyone! It’s hard for a lot of people because it is such an accepted part of their culture and they don’t see anything wrong with it. They have to go against their culture and what they have been raised to believe their whole life. The importance of a firm testimony and good friends, especially as a youth. It can shape the rest of your life.

I read and experienced Jacob 4:7 this week. “Nevertheless, the Lord God showeth us our weakness that we may know that is by his power and great condescensions unto the children of men, that we have power to do these things.” I was feeling depressed because of all the ways I have to improve when I read this verse. I realized that I was trusting in myself too much and that I needed to recognize and let God do His part with His work, show a little more faith and a lot more humility, recognizing that if there is success it is because God loves His children and sends His prepared children to His prepared servants.

Sunday this happened. We were walking down this path and we passed this family. I decided to contact them, so I stopped and pretended to fix my shoe, to give them time to catch up to me. Hna. Duarte and I talked with them and the woman told us, “I need to be baptized. When can you come?” Hna. Duarte and I looked at each other and said, “No, I’m sorry. We can’t help you. Maybe next time.” Just kidding! Of course we set up the time to meet with her. Of course, we have a lot to explain, that it’s not just a matter of receiving the baptism, but it’s the lifetime covenant you make with God to be obedient and remember His son, Jesus Christ. But, hey, it’s not everyday that people tell you that they want to be baptized.

We met this family, Deisy and Rafael, who have 7 kids. Turns out they are from another city, but they are here helping their son, Jesus, get settled for college. They accepted a visit and encouraged us to visit their son. They accepted the missionaries to visit them in their city, too, so we are going to send the referral to the elders in Riquena. They have so much faith. They pray every night for each one of their kids, and you can see the difference it makes in their family. They traveled 15 hours in lancha (raft or ferry?) to take their son to college. It reminded me of my parents (and other parents) who sacrifice everything for their kids. Thank you!

That’s all for this week! Pray and read your scriptures and find out the counsel that your loving Heavenly Father has for your life.

Love, Hna. Christensen